
Financing Primer for Deep Energy Retrofits


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This primer is designed to help owners, investors and project champions address one of the most frequently cited barriers to energy efficiency projects—the lack of budget or available funding. This preparatory document offers a simple roadmap for the financing available for deep energy retrofit projects. In it we discuss the means for funding deep energy retrofits and consider how to increase the likelihood of obtaining capital. While this document was originally developed for multi-tenant commercial leased office buildings, many of these same mechanisms exist for other commercial spaces. This primer is designed to help you review available financing tools, develop the financing package, and educate and communicate with funders including traditional financial institutions. We cover programs and structures including utility incentives in Oregon and Washington, state loan programs, Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), and on-bill financing. We also encourage you to use the Spark Tool at BuildingRenewal.org for a free assessment of whether a deep energy retrofit is right for your building and ideas for moving forward.

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