Level up your lighting knowledge with NXT Level Training
In the rapidly evolving commercial lighting industry, understanding the latest lighting techniques and technologies can be the difference between you and your peers. Offered in partnership with Northwest utilities, NXT Level is a free, comprehensive training that can take lighting professionals to the next level.Offered in two tiers—Level 1 and the more advanced Level 2—the NXT Level lighting program was designed with the many benefits of advanced lighting in mind, and with an understanding that the best lighting solutions are tailored to the specific circumstances of each building and project. By educating and equipping Northwest lighting contractors with the latest and most efficient techniques and technologies, NXT Level ensures that building operators and managers have access to the best lighting solutions to meet the needs of their interior spaces, occupants, owners, and environmental goals.

Visit the NXT Level Designation List to find an industry-leading advanced lighting professional in your area nxtleveltraining.com/experts