Healthy air quality in buildings improves cognitive function and combats the spread of disease, but its implications for carbon reduction are perhaps the most important benefit.
Path to Zero: Taking steps toward creating experiences that reduce energy use and improve the overall experience of the building. Andrew Lee, Director of Zero Energy at the International Living Future Institute, describes how having a clear path to zero results in better buildings that draw attention to you, your...
While installation of heat pump water heaters is similar to installing standard-tank water heaters, there are some important considerations—such as condensate management and selecting the best location to enhance performance and customer satisfaction. This technical guide—aimed at R-2 Occupancy (Low-rise multifamily new construction, three stories and fewer).—further includes system features...
Wilde has been active in construction and real estate development since 1967. Prior to joining Gerding/Edlen Development, he was vice president of Baugh Construction, a large regional construction company now owned by Skanska USA.